Yes, I am thinking of Harry Potter again. I stood in line with 5 or so of my friends at midnight on Friday to get my copy of the Deathly Hallows. I was so excited to finally have the book, but also a little terrified. I brought the book home and had planned to jump right into it as I had the other midnight books, but I couldn't quite bring myself to do it... I mean, once I finished this book it was over, no more Harry Potter to look forward to. It was very distressing for me, so I went to bed.
I got up on Saturday, worked out and then went to work, all the while knowing that Deathly Hallows was right there and I needed to read it before someone spoiled the ending for me, but still, I could not face the end. I left work, stopped at the Library, met some people for a few drinks (well, I didn't drink, but they did) and finally got home around midnight. As I settled in my bed for the night I saw the green Barnes & Noble bag calling me from my purple tote bag and I finally gave in. I pulled the book out of the bag almost as if it were a precious gem instead of a book. It was really sad how I took my time to even open the book. I did not look at the chapter names, I did NOT skip to the last page of the book. I just settled in for a little reading.
This was a mistake. At midnight on Saturday I began reading a book that was nearly 700 pages long. This might not have been so bad, except I had to get up early to drive to Indiana with Kristin, Woody, Joe and the twins to see a Thump, who lives in London and was only in town for one more day. Did I act reasonably and read for an hour and then get some sleep - not hardly. Just as with all Rowling's other books after about 15 minutes I was completely enthralled. It wasn't until I saw the sunrise through my bedroom window that I realized I had stayed up all night. At this point I had to be up in an hour, so I kept reading. I finally had to force myself to put the book down so I could hop in the shower, which sucked because I was just getting to the heart of the matter... AGHHH. Why did I make plans for the weekend?
So I get to Kristin & Woody's house who will be driving us to Indiana (Thanks guys!!!) and the first thing I am asked is if Harry dies - Don't worry, no spoilers from me. To which I reply that I know it's rude to read in a car with some of your closest friends, but I am almost done with the book, so they will have to forgive me! I'm feeling pretty good considering I have been up for about 27 hours at this point. We get in the van, three friends, two babies and I and I start reading immediately. Everyone pretty much ignores me through the drive, except the twins who were staring at me - I'm going to take it as a compliment that they love their Aunt Shel.
Just as we pull into the parking lot of the place we are meeting our dear Thump, I start the last page of the book. Woody asks me if I am done - "I'm on the last page, be with you in a minute." I finished the book and we went to have lunch.
About a 1/2 hour into lunch I feel like I am going to completely pass out. Yech, I am getting entirely too old to stay up all day and night. I was fine while I was reading, but once the excitement of finding out the story was over, I was really ready for bed. Sorry Thump, I love you, but I was barely there for most of our visit - I promise next time I will be much more awake!
After a few hours of visiting, we get back in the borrowed minivan, Woody looks at me in the rear view mirror and says "Hey Shel, sleep" and snaps his fingers like a genie and that's really all it took for me to sleep about half way back home. I went home, did some stuff to prepare for my week and was in bed by 9:00 p.m.
I usually devour books as quickly as possible. I retain everything, but I am a very fast reader (for example I read an entire 300 page novel in the 3 1/2 hours I have been home from work tonight). I caught myself flying through the Deathly Hallows on a few occasions and forced myself to slow down. I really did not want to rush the experience - I wanted to absorb it all, enjoy the last time any of the Harry Potter story would be new to me.
Whew, no one spoiled the book for me. I was terrified to go online or watch the news, heck I didn't even want to stop at the library on Saturday to return some books for fear that I might accidentally hear some excited kid spill the beans. I hate when the end of the story is ruined. I literally waited years to read this book and I would have been devastated if it had been ruined in the 11th hour.
So, for anyone bored enough to read this; I hope you are enjoying the Deathly Hallows. We'll talk once everyone has had the chance to read it...
I got up on Saturday, worked out and then went to work, all the while knowing that Deathly Hallows was right there and I needed to read it before someone spoiled the ending for me, but still, I could not face the end. I left work, stopped at the Library, met some people for a few drinks (well, I didn't drink, but they did) and finally got home around midnight. As I settled in my bed for the night I saw the green Barnes & Noble bag calling me from my purple tote bag and I finally gave in. I pulled the book out of the bag almost as if it were a precious gem instead of a book. It was really sad how I took my time to even open the book. I did not look at the chapter names, I did NOT skip to the last page of the book. I just settled in for a little reading.
This was a mistake. At midnight on Saturday I began reading a book that was nearly 700 pages long. This might not have been so bad, except I had to get up early to drive to Indiana with Kristin, Woody, Joe and the twins to see a Thump, who lives in London and was only in town for one more day. Did I act reasonably and read for an hour and then get some sleep - not hardly. Just as with all Rowling's other books after about 15 minutes I was completely enthralled. It wasn't until I saw the sunrise through my bedroom window that I realized I had stayed up all night. At this point I had to be up in an hour, so I kept reading. I finally had to force myself to put the book down so I could hop in the shower, which sucked because I was just getting to the heart of the matter... AGHHH. Why did I make plans for the weekend?
So I get to Kristin & Woody's house who will be driving us to Indiana (Thanks guys!!!) and the first thing I am asked is if Harry dies - Don't worry, no spoilers from me. To which I reply that I know it's rude to read in a car with some of your closest friends, but I am almost done with the book, so they will have to forgive me! I'm feeling pretty good considering I have been up for about 27 hours at this point. We get in the van, three friends, two babies and I and I start reading immediately. Everyone pretty much ignores me through the drive, except the twins who were staring at me - I'm going to take it as a compliment that they love their Aunt Shel.
Just as we pull into the parking lot of the place we are meeting our dear Thump, I start the last page of the book. Woody asks me if I am done - "I'm on the last page, be with you in a minute." I finished the book and we went to have lunch.
About a 1/2 hour into lunch I feel like I am going to completely pass out. Yech, I am getting entirely too old to stay up all day and night. I was fine while I was reading, but once the excitement of finding out the story was over, I was really ready for bed. Sorry Thump, I love you, but I was barely there for most of our visit - I promise next time I will be much more awake!
After a few hours of visiting, we get back in the borrowed minivan, Woody looks at me in the rear view mirror and says "Hey Shel, sleep" and snaps his fingers like a genie and that's really all it took for me to sleep about half way back home. I went home, did some stuff to prepare for my week and was in bed by 9:00 p.m.
I usually devour books as quickly as possible. I retain everything, but I am a very fast reader (for example I read an entire 300 page novel in the 3 1/2 hours I have been home from work tonight). I caught myself flying through the Deathly Hallows on a few occasions and forced myself to slow down. I really did not want to rush the experience - I wanted to absorb it all, enjoy the last time any of the Harry Potter story would be new to me.
Whew, no one spoiled the book for me. I was terrified to go online or watch the news, heck I didn't even want to stop at the library on Saturday to return some books for fear that I might accidentally hear some excited kid spill the beans. I hate when the end of the story is ruined. I literally waited years to read this book and I would have been devastated if it had been ruined in the 11th hour.
So, for anyone bored enough to read this; I hope you are enjoying the Deathly Hallows. We'll talk once everyone has had the chance to read it...
'Til then -