Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Time Flies...

I cannot believe that it is less than two months until Christmas. Freakin' unbelievable. I'm the person always out doing the bulk of my Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve, always. It's kind of a joke with my sister-in-law and I, because half the time, she's with me, laughing her arse off.
Well, this year I've reformed. I have already started shopping, my amazon.com shopping cart is full of toys and other assorted stuff ready to be purchased and shipped with the click of my mouse. I am so impressed with myself! I am so happy! Of course, the key now is to actually use my mouse to get those gifts shipped to me - which I will do next week. At least that's what I'm telling myself.
So, here's to getting your holiday shopping done, early and without too much hassle. Though, will the holidays still be the holidays this way? We'll see...
'Til next time -

Monday, October 29, 2007

Stephanie Rowe Rocks!

Anytime you hear that Satan is a favorite character in a series of books you've got to give it a try, right? I'm telling you - in Stephanie Rowe's series, Satan is hilarious! This series is about a bunch of immortal warriors, guardians, Satan and an Espresso Machine named Mona... Yep, that's right, the espresso machine has a name and is a major character in the series. See - you're intrigued right, you are feeling very sleepy, uh, I mean feeling the need to check it out.

The books in the series are:
Date Me Baby One More Time

Must Love Dragons

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Hot

and the latest installment,

Sex & the Immortal Bad Boy

See if you can guess the title that got me to pick up this series (if you don't know me that would be Must Love Dragons, 'cause who doesn't love dragons?). It's my favorite in the series so far. Last week I finished Sex & the Immortal Bad Boy. It was funny, witty and extremely entertaining. I seriously have no idea how Stephanie Rowe came up with this world and these characters, but God I love them! I want to hang out with Theresa the Dragon and Becca, Satan's right hand.

I cannot do the series justice, really I have no idea how to explain an immortal dragon that gets all flamey over gourmet pretzels. Or Satan the ridiculous leader of hell that claims to be the world's greatest lover. Or demons called Penhas (similar to a succubus in that they are sexually irresistible), that make those around them all hot & bothered. Paige, the Rivka with an inner Wraith, bred to be the ultimate killing machine, who is probably the most innocent character of the bunch. And who could forget Mona the espresso machine...

When you need an escape from what is stressing you out, you're ready to pull out your hair and kick the boys in, well, the boys - pick up these books. You can read Sex & the Immortal Bad Boy as a stand alone, but really, why would you? Start with the first and count them down. The books are quick, easy reads - a great escape. Happy reading and don't drink from the espresso machine or the dragon might fry you...

Until next time -

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Evils of Google!

O.k., I admit it - I googled myself today. (get your minds out of the gutter people!) I don't know why I did it, but I did. Boy, what a mistake. There were a couple of cool things, but then there was some very not cool stuff. It was professional and I really should ignore it, but it ticked me off. Do I care what the crazy lady thinks of me? No, but still, did she have to mention my name?
I know it doesn't matter, the people who know me know I'm only evil when provoked. Or drunk, or on a Tuesday, but seriously, why would the crazy lady even mention my name? It was something professional, so she could have mentioned my firm or used some generality, but no, crazy used my name.
So, my friends, the moral of the story is - do not under any circumstances google yourself, not that there's anything wrong with that.
In other news, Psych rocks! Sorry, I'm watching a rerun while I whine about googling. Now I'm off to do something... I don't know.
'Til next time -

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Hi Thumpelina & Happy Birthday Wyatt - Check out the Videos!

Wyatt, the "Ladies Man" after devouring his cake at his 1st Birthday Party!

Part I of Greetings to Thumper! I'm sure it will feel just like you are being annoyed by us in person!

Part II

Part III

Part IV - The best for last, some things never change, like Duch's mastery of the English language.

I tried to e-mail these to you, but I was having trouble making them attachments. I hope you can see & hear everything! We love you and I will call you Monday afternoon!


Friday, October 19, 2007

Long Lost... something

I know, I know - I suck. I have been gone for a while. Things have been CRAZY busy, but that's no excuse. I've neglected my loyal readership - all those people who clog the internet day after day, just hoping I will update my blog!
Well, this is just a quickie, much work awaits, but it is my little nephew's first birthday and he is such a cutey - even if he does love to shriek for no reason every few minutes. I think it's cute, but I have it on good authority that his mother may pull out all of her hair one of these days! So, yay for cute baby birthdays! It's also Wudchuk's birthday and yesterday was Duch's, and while they are cute, they cannot compare to one-year old chubby cheeks cute! Happy birthday guys! We love you!
Also, I am reading Sex and the Immortal Bad Boy - book 4 in a series by Stephanie Rowe - Oh my, this is hilarious, more next time, but if you love silly, fun entertainment like I do, definitely read this book!
Ok, hugs and kisses - I gotta run and write a brief.