Tuesday, February 26, 2008


This was the view from my bedroom this morning...

This was the state of my parking lot...

This is where I want to be...

Who's with me?

Until next time -


Monday, February 25, 2008

It's @*!$**ing Snowing AGAIN!!!!

I HATE SNOW AND WINTER!!!!!!! We are supposed to get another 6-9 inches of snow tonight. Seriously, can't we just be done with this already? Who pissed mother nature off and who wants to help me beat the shit out of him? I was thinking I might as well drive into the City and sleep in the damn parking garage tonight - that's how much fun my commute is gonna be tomorrow.

I need a vacation..

Until next time, if I'm not buried in freaking snow,

Monday, February 18, 2008

This just in - more arse numbing cold!

At a whopping 26 degrees, today will be the warmest day of the week. Really?
On to other topics, because I am sure you know how I feel about the cold. Today is a court holiday, so I've been hanging out in the office all day and I think my assistants are ready for the Court's to reopen now. Or to just throw me out of the office. I am sure either would suffice.
In honor of President's Day I have a little quiz for you! Yay! A pop quiz! WOOHOO!
(1) From what did George Washington die?
(2) Where was Washington sworn in as President?
(3) Of what did Washington warn the people against in his farewell address in 1783?
(4) George Washington only traveled outside of what is now the United States once, where did he go?
(5) Abraham Lincoln was a captain in what war?
(6) How many children did Abraham and Mary Todd Lincoln have?
(7) On what date was Lincoln assassignated?
(8) In what year was Lincoln admitted to the Illinois Bar (to practice law, not a drinking facility)?
(9) How tall was Lincoln?
(10) True or False: In Lincoln's first Presidential Election, on November 6, 1860, his name was not on the ballot for President in 9 southern states?
Just a little fun - I can provide answers for anyone who so desires. Happy President's Day!
Until next time -

Friday, February 15, 2008

In the Shadow of a Gunman

As most of you know, yesterday afternoon a young man entered a lecture hall at Northern Illinois University and opened fire with a pistol and a shotgun. The last I saw 7 people were dead and over 20 injured. I have various connections to NIU, so my first thought was a mental checklist of people I know who may have been on or near campus. My second thought was "what the hell is wrong with people?"

I know, I know, I cannot understand this guys pain... Whatever. Get over it. We all have pain. We all live in our own version of hell sometimes. There are times that everyone's life sucks beyond the telling of it. Most of us; however, do not pick up some guns and go on a shooting spree, random or not. A friend also blogged about the shooting today and he asked why these types of incidents seem more common in the U.S. than abroad. He goes on to say that gun laws have nothing to do with the difference. Well, this friend is usually much smarter than I am and he and I always enjoy a good debate, so Peaches, buckle up, because I am about to start our next debate. I believe the more frequent occurence of these types of gun related crimes are at least in large part because of differing gun laws. Not only are gun crime penalties more harsh in most other countries, but it is often much more difficult to obtain guns.

I know, we have the Second Amendment, but when was the last time you actually took a look at the Constitution or the Second Amendment. Me, I carry a copy with me, so let's review, shall we?

Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

What, exactly does that mean? Frankly, your interpretation will probably differ from mine. However, most legal scholars will tell you that when interpreting the Constitution or a Statute, the framers' intent should be taken into account. Again, if the framers' intent was clear, this debate would not rage in Congress, courtrooms and classrooms throughout the country. What I do know, is that if guns were more difficult for people to obtain, then maybe we can cut down on some gun related crime. People have a right to protect themselves and I am not convinced that the general populace, after having been thoroughly screened and having endured a reasonable waiting period, should not be able to carry a concealed weapon. The guy stalking a woman walking home from the bus at 10 p.m. would probably be much less likely to attempt rape if he thought she may be carrying a stun gun or a 9 mm. I'm just saying. Is it a perfect solution? No, but we do not live in a perfect world, as yesterday's events illustrate.

However, not everyone should be able to purchase a gun. You should not be able to walk into your local Wal-Mart and take home a gun. You do NOT need automatic weapons for hunting. Guns should have fingerprint safety locks, so that only the registered owner can use them. There should be a long waiting period before you are able to take home a gun purchase. Finally, the world does not revolve around the NRA and other people do, in fact, have valid viewpoints and concerns with the unfettered ownership of guns. All of this being said, I do have my foid card and fully support the average citizens right to protect oneself and own a gun, with restrictions and within reason.

As for the rest, I am grateful that none of my people were hurt yesterday. I feel for the families and friends of those who were and have no sympathy whatsoever for the shooter. His actions and death were cowardly and deserves nothing.

I know, a little dark. On a light note - tonight is the season finale of Psych and I am so sad! I love this show and do not want to wait until this summer for more new episodes!!!!! If you have not yet watched it - you MUST! Laughter guaranteed, and really who among us couldn't use a good laugh? I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Until next time -

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

A little something special for the ladies...

And a little something for the boys...

Other than sending out goofy cards and half naked pictures, I really have no use for Valentine's Day. People who take it so very seriously drive me nuts. And if I see one more commercial telling a guy that his woman will not love him unless he spends his monthly salary on diamonds for valentine's day, I may revolt. BUT - I love sending out silly cards, as this year's recipient's can attest.

I'm also very excited that tomorrow is Friday! WOOHOO! Not that it really matters, but I am excited on principle.

So, in closing, I hope everyone had a great day. Maybe some chocolates, the notice of a hot person or a good laugh.

Until next time -


Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I really, really, really HATE snow! I hate winter, I hate cold. I want warm, sandy beaches; sunshine, cabana boys with umbrella drinks; and no work. Yes, I may be losing my mind here people. Is it possible to actually go crazy from too much winter? 'Cause dear readers, I think I am. I need a vacation i the worst way.
AND once again, I will be running around in freezing temps tomorrow. When it's so cold your nose freezes, your eyes water (and then freeze) and you swear that you will get frost-bite through your gloves. I really, really, really hate it. I did it yesterday morning and could not get warm all day. I was even freezing through my workout last night - and I was SWEATING! I know, it doesn't make sense, but there it is. I told you I was losing it. I thought we were suffering from global warming or some crap like that? Can't tell it here. Stupid winter.
On a high note, oh wait, I do not have a high note today. I am going to watch some episodes of Monk - that should make me giggle. If that does not work, I will watch an episode of Psych. Psych never fails me. Sorry for the grouchy post. I promise to be more entertaining in my next post. (P.S. Peaches said I rocked in his blog post yesterday - check it out here http://lifeoftanana.blogspot.com/ ).
Until next time -

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Super Fat Tuesday

So, today is Super Tuesday. The day tons of people vote to determine who will be on each parties ticket in the fall election. It's also Fat Tuesday! For someone with a degree in political science, I should be much more excited about today than I am. But honestly, I almost just don't care. Almost. Excuse me for a second while I grab my soapbox... 'kay, all set.

I firmly believe it is the responsibility of every citizen to vote for its leaders. That being said, I even more strongly believe that if you are basing your choice on which candidate you think is hot - stay home. Vote responsibly or not at all. I do not want someone as my President because people could not take the time to form an educated opinion and decided on the basis of looks or other equally nonsensical reasons. Seriously, that frightens me. And it happens - alot. Given the fact that women seem to think Obama is hot, I am terrified at the prospect that votes will be cast for no other reason. I do not actually care which candidate you vote for, but make a reasoned choice. Be responsible, because if you have not figured it out by now, Presidents affect your life. Whether it is by irresponsibly and irrevocably ensconcing the country in war or making domestic and economic decisions without thought or care for the long term well-being of the nation, Presidents affect your life. Everyday. So does Congress. Be responsible in your choices, not just for yourself, but for your parents, children, neighbors, grandchildren and friends.

Thus endith the lecture and I put my soapbox away.

In other news, it was my birthday yesterday and thank you to all who took the time to call, write, sing and/or feed me! I had a great day. I got a long massage, wandered through a bookstore, only worked half the day and had dinner with great friends. The party started on Friday with some good old fashioned monkey business with friends. The party continues tonight, as I will be enjoying dinner with Big Bro, SIL and the neices and nephew. I love not needing to grocery shop! Thanks again and I love you all! I have the bestest friends ever!

I should get back to work, but do not forget to vote!!!

Until next time -

Friday, February 1, 2008

It's Time for Something Awesome!

Just a quick stop today, as I am buried under a foot of snow. I spent three and a half hours on the Ike yesterday to get home, then had to dig my car out of a snow drift this morning, but all in all, the storm was kind of nice. It is not that cold outside. If I did not have to be at work, it would be a perfect day for a snowball fight or something. Man I miss snow days!

Oh, Picchi is also shaving his head in support of kids with cancer, so if you want to help AND make fun of him, go here:

I leave you today with a few funnies.

Until next time,
