Tuesday, August 26, 2008

You Want a Piece of Me...

AAARRGGGGHHHH!  That's me screaming.  I feel like one of these fighting bears, though now that I really look at them, they don't look too vicious.  I should have found a picture of animals with fangs and drool and stuff.  It's one of those days in which everyone wants a piece of me, clients, partners, collegues, weird people on the street.  AHHHHAAAHHHHAAAAHHHH!  All I can say is I am glad for the long weekend coming up because I need it, badly.  But enough about that, on to happier things...
Yesterday was good.  JTB and I went to Indy to see Thump for a couple of hours.  I cannot believe how big her little monkey is getting.  That's his name by the way, Monkey.  When I call him a cheeky Monkey and tickle him he just laughs and laughs.  It's very cute.  His mohawk is almost gone, which is sad, because it was awesome when he was a little baby.  I had a ball playing with the Monkey and hanging with Thump, of course. 
And - I had my x-rays for my back/shoulder pain last week.  Is it a bad thing when the x-ray technician asks if you have dropped anything on your neck while she views your x-rays?  Very curious.
Hmm, what else.  Oh, I saw Tropic Thunder last Thursday.  Wow, it was freakin' hilarious, but just so wrong.  I recommed it if you like that kind of just purely stupid humor.  Think Old School, Family Guy, South Park, etc.  If you like those, you will like Tropic Thunder.  Do not go see it if you are at all sensitive about, well, about anything, because it's all fair game in this movie. 
And since I have a ton of work still to do, I should go.  But I leave you with these words of wisdom, "Screw you guys, I'm going home."  Eric Cartman, South Park.   
Until next time -

Saturday, August 16, 2008

A musical for the ages

Screaming like a girl...

This is one of the reasons I love this show so much.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Bringing the heat, baby

So, I am not a fan of the Olympics.  Nothing against any Olympians, it's just not my cup 'o tea.  I find it exceedingly boring to watch some dude swim, unless he's hot and it's live and in person.  This is pretty much my attitude towards watching all sports - snoozefest.  My exceptions to this rule are playoff games involving Michael Jordan and my secret childhood obsession, gymnastics.  Why gymnastics?  Probably because it's pretty much as close as we can come to flying - what gymnasts do is completely amazing to me and I would love to be able to move like that.  This obsession began along with millions of other people, watching Mary Lou Retton - completely amazing.

So, given this, it should not surprise anyone that I know nothing of the goings on at the Olympics.  A few nights ago, completely by chance, as I was endlessly surfing the channels I came across the Men's Gymnastics Team finals and caught the last few minutes before it switched to the women's teams.  That's where I caught the first glimpse of Shawn Johnson (I had never heard of her before or seen her perform, if that tells you my lack of interest).  I found love her!  She was having so much fun doing her thing and watching everyone else.  You could tell just by the look on her face.  Even though team USA wasn't coming home with the gold, she was still enjoying watching the other girls perform.  Everyone else looked like they were a slimy toad reference away from hurling, but she was having fun.

Then, I completely forgot that the women's all around finals were last night.  I came in at the end of Johnson's uneven bars performance, which was amazing.  She was on fire with that dismount and her floor exercises.  She's so compact and it's like watching pure energy.  I was so happy that she got the Silver!  I think it's great that someone having so much fun was the a big winner.  And that she was team USA - even better.  And now my Olympic viewing is over - thank goodness. 

Tonight is girl's night to see Mamma Mia.  I am certain much silliness will ensue.  I leave you with this pearl of wisdom from a t-shirt, "I don't mind coming to work, but that eight hour wait to go home is a bitch."  Smooches.

Until next time -


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Welcome to the Mad House...

Wow, the last couple of weeks have been, well, they've been my life, enough said really, but I will fill in some details. Root canals, crazy people, hot trainers, new stalkers, birthday parties, car problems and briefs, briefs, and more briefs (and I don't mean seeing the hot trainer in his briefs - oh, great mental image though!). So my root canals are over, at least for now, but the sting to the pocket book remains. To top it off, I had to spend a ton of moulah getting my car fixed yesterday because I was experiencing technicals difficulties that would have ruined my car if I had not gotten it done. So now I'm really broke. Know anyone I can sell my soul to for a few thousand $$? I'm going really cheap right now, bargain basement prices....
So last weekend was the 2nd birthday for the Jones twins - I cannot believe how big they are now. Especially given how teeny tiny they were when they were born (a few months premature). Time flies. And JTB had a birthday and JP - happy birthday guys!
So, I have a new stalker. I am so very pleased by this, because my last one was so damn fun. This guy works for one of my clients. Now, I do not generally see my clients in person, my clients generally being national corporations, whose offices are not around here, but through circumstances I won't get into, this file was transferred to a company that is local. The company is owned by one guy and is essentially just a corporate name. So my client asks this guy to help him out with this file, so the guy calls me. I have dealt with him a few times since the beginning of the year, but he's called me fairly frequently lately asking me the same questions over and over again - very annoying, because I give the same answers, over and over again. The most recent calls he suggests that he should buy me lunch, to which I respond it's not necessary and no thank you.
So I am in Court the other day and I get a message from my office that this guy called and thinks the case is up that day and cannot find me at the courthouse. So, during the break, I call him from my cell and leave a message, court is not today, it's tomorrow. I didn't leave any return numbers or tell him to call me - I just told him he had the wrong day. I go back into the court room and my cell phone starts ringing (luckily I keep my phone on vibrate). Of course, I don't answer, so the guy called me back like five times in the next ten minutes and then starts texting me! Seriously, he's texting me? I'm in freakin' court dude, go away! I ignore his text and calls, but he keeps going for like an hour. Driving me nuts! So that evening he calls me at the office and I told him it's not necessary for him to be at the court house the next day, but of course he shows up anyway. And he keeps trying to talk to me about nothing, while the judge is talking to us! Geez, I wanted to smack him. So after the hearing, I'm all "sorry, gotta run." and take off to another court room. I was pretty firm in my totally blowing him off and not really subtle, because at this point I'm fairly annoyed with him. So I'm thinking that he's done, message received, etc. Until he calls me on Thursday and asks me if I will be at the office Friday night! Seriously? To which I respond that there is no reason for him to come by the office or call me again and I will contact my client when I need something. Holy crap, do I have to hit this guy in the head with a 2x4 for him to take a freakin' hint? Yeesh. He hasn't called in the last two days, so maybe I will get lucky and he will go away.
And finally, my car. Not only is the cost of gas killing me, but then my check engine light comes on Monday. So I made an appointment to take my car in later this week. So yesterday I was at a stop light and it almost died, so it went to the shop yesterday. $500 later and the cars fine, but I'm done. AND I ended up at work last night until the wee hours trying to finish briefs and motions. I still have a ton to do, but I'm stuck in the City right now, so they will just have to wait, until when I'm not sure, but wait they will.

I hope everyone had a great week!

Until next time -

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Technical difficulties...

I've been trying to update thsi darn blog for about a week and always experience some sort of malfunction (computer or user).  I promise to try again tomorrow!

Until next time -