Monday, January 14, 2008

Ramble, ramble, ramble...

Ah, another week has begun. This week I will be heading out to California for an annual meeting with a client. Should be fun, the actual meetings notwithstanding. The conference is being held in an Indian casino & resort and you all know how much I love to play poker! The weather should be nice, gambling, free food and drink - sounds great to me.

I am happy to announce that the new season of Psych started on Friday and it is just as awesome as ever! It's a USA Network show, so the seasons are shorter (12 episodes I think) and they split them up 6 episodes at a time, so we have 5 more new episodes to look forward to. Which is good, because the WGA strike is still going strong. What are you guys doing with your free tv time? I am spending some time at the gym, but also catching up on some shows on dvd that I missed. I watched the first season of Ugly Betty over the holidays and am now finishing up the available seasons of the show Numb3rs from CBS. Numb3rs is an interesting show and who would have guessed the Northern Exposure guy was so buff? Plus, the main character played Mr. Universe on Serenity, so woohoo! I am not sure what show I am going to move on to next. Thank goodness for the library - an entire season on dvd, $1.00 for a week rental. YAY! If anyone has recommendations, let me know.

Well, I really should do some work. Have a great week! I will think of you all while I am in sunny California...

Until next time -

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