So, I spent Saturday playing soccer mom for my neices because the flu had ravaged the household and my brother was still sick and SIL had to work, no big. I love hanging with the kids. For the most part it was a fun day, but it was kind of chilly on the soccer field and my younger neice missed her nap and was a bit of a handful, but whatever, we still had a good time. Then on Sunday went to the P's to celebrate Eric's birthday, all is well. Had another fun day. Got to hang with the baby banana, ate some yummy food, good company, all that jazz. All in all, it was a pretty good weekend.
And then Monday came. I was a little slow getting up on Monday, but hey, that's not unusual. Got to work, was feeling a little blah. I was thinking maybe the third piece of desert on Sunday was probably not my best idea ever. Around 4, I'm really not feeling that great. By 5 I'm thinking, good Lord, I feel icky. Skipped boxing and went home and straight to bed because by this time, I've got the cold sweats and am really not feeling well. I doze off and on until about 11 p.m. on Monday and then it really got bad. Unfortunately, all Nat's great cooking was wasted on me and I don't think I will be eating anything with rice for a very, very, very long time. Then, I'm so smart I actually got up on Tuesday and went to Court. I get to the Federal Court and can barely stand. Lucky me, I've got two calls at the State Court in the afternoon and one is an actual contested argument that I really need to be present for and opposing counsel is not someone I can trust to ask the Judge for a continuance on my behalf, so I go to the parking garage and sleep for a couple of hours. Stagger back to Court. Make it through the first routine matter. Then I go to the big hearing. Opposing counsel does not show, the judge refuses to wait and grants my motion! Woohoo, I can leave! Just as I am going back to my seat, the other side walks in, so of course, I have to wait for the Judge to recall the case, then we have to argue the motion, the whole time I'm thinking, it really would be ok if I threw up on this guy, he's not that nice anyway.
Well, I didn't throw up on anyone, I did win the motion and I finally stumbled back to my car. Called the office, told them not to expect me, fought traffic and got home to bed. I woke up feeling a little better today. At least I am partially mobile! I'm debating whether to go to the gym tonight or wait one more day for a full recovery. I've just eaten for the first time since Monday early afternoon, so I guess we'll see how that goes. I really, really hate being sick. I've gone probably two years without getting really sick, maybe a headache or a stuffy nose here or there, but the last couple of months have been like the freakin' house of pain. I had a cold/flu thing about two months ago. Then last week I had a really bad cold and now this. I'm done! No more, it's spring time for nice weather and no more illness!
I hope no one else is sick, especially those people I was with Saturday, Saturday night or Sunday. If I did get you sick, I'm sorry!
Until next time -
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