Need I say more? You should definitely watch the all new episodes coming July 18! It's the date of my 2nd root canal and I'm still looking forward to the date! Yay Psych!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
I really Am the Goddess of Persuasion!

Monday, June 23, 2008
About as much fun as a root canal...

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Public Service Announcement
I interrupt our regularly schedule ramblings for a public service announcement. Boys, please, please for the love of all that is holy, do not listen to whomever is telling you that skinny pants look good on guys. They are lying through their teeth. Maybe they want a good laugh at your expense, maybe they want to steal your girlfriend or maybe they are just mean people, but those promoting skinny jeans on guys, or girls for that matter, are lying. You look sort of ridiculous and while you may think it's cool because you saw your favorite rocker wearing them, don't do it. The rockers look ridiculous too!
What spurred this public service announcement you may ask, well, thanks for asking. Mainly because I won tickets to see the Kooks Monday night (thanks Jam!). For those who do not know (which I am assuming is anyone reading this), the Kooks are a relatively new British band. SIL likes to say they are like a throw back to a 60's band with a modern twist. This is my favorite song of theirs so far...
Anway, I was there with SIL and three of the four guys in the band were wearing skinny jeans (the drummer was wearing a suit and tie, which I thought was cute). And these guys are roughly 15 years old (not really, but they look it) and scrawny dudes. And the lead singer had the biggest feet I've ever seen, which only looked bigger because his legs looked like they were about as thick as a baseball bat! I swear! He also has a mop of curly hair that was adorable. The leads accent was so thick I could only understand every second or third word when he was talking, but again, that was pretty adorable too!
The opening act was a San Francisco band called the Morning Benders and if the Kooks looked 15, these guys looked 12. They were pretty good though. I had never heard of them, but enjoyed some of their songs. I'm posting one of their videos from You Tube (I haven't quite figured out the whole You Tube posting thing yet.) BUT all of these guys were wearing skinny jeans too!
Anwyay, the show was good, but now I have to go buy the Kooks new cd. Then on the way home, SIL & I got very, very lost, which was funny for about the first hour... I really need to remember to print out reverse directions before leaving or invest in GPS.
Last night I saw the new Indiana Jones with my nephew and a friend. It was entertaining. Funny, action-packed, and enjoyable. Parts of the plot were pretty weak, but that can be forgiven because it was otherwise fun! I'd tell you about Prince Caspian and Ironman, but really, I should do some work today!
Until next time -