Well gentle readers, I finally understand what the title phrase means. I had my very first root canal on Friday. I got to the dentist's office on Friday morning and was told I needed a root canal, like right then. So, the dentist starts giving me shots with the biggest needles I've ever seen in my freakin' life. Have I mentioned that I hate needles? Yeah, I hate them a lot. These were not your run of the mill needles, but huge needles so they can shoot the meds right into your nerve. Holy crap. That sucked. Have you ever touched a battery to your tongue and it gives you a little jolt? Well, think of that, except instead of a jolt, you could start a freakin' racecar with the battery. Yikes!
So, then he puts this dental dam around my tooth and I've got this rubber sheet going up my nose - also not pleasant. It took about an hour and a half because I apparently have extra long molars. By the time it was done I could feel my whole tongue again, and the shots were wearing off. Once I'm done, he tells me I have to come back for him to finish it in July. Another day of this? I did manage to make the dentist and assistant laugh for my manners during the root canal. Apparently not many patients still manage to say "please" and "thank you" during the procedure. At one point the assistant handed me a kleenex to wipe the drool off and I said thank you. I'm glad I could amuse them in my torture. I, on the other hand, was amused that my 50-60 year old dentist was singing along to Gwen Stefani as he was performing my root canal. I was not amused when I was leaving and was told the bill for the day was $1,100.00. Holy double crap!
After I left I went to pick up my prescription antibiotics and promptly experienced an allergic reaction to them. On Saturday I could not figure out why the hell I felt so itchy and I was starting to get a sore throat. Hello - my name is Shel and I'm dumb. So on Sunday the pharmacist told me to take Benadryl, which I had never taken before. Wow, that stuff really makes you tired. Like zombie tired. I am barely able to type I want a nap so darn much. Yesterday was a b-day party for Kris and about halfway thru I could barely keep my eyes open!
So, what did we learn this weekend? Don't get root canals. If you get itchy, sore, etc right after starting antibiotics, stop and call your Gwen Stefani singing dentist. Do not take Benadryl if you need to have any cognitive function. And - Happy Birthday Kris!!!!!
Ok, that's all I got for the moment. Enjoy your beautiful summer day because the next round of storms is on our heels.
Until next time -
P.s. Just some friendly advice. Do not go to google and look for images of root canals. Yuck...
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