Monday, December 31, 2007

Out with the Old!

Another year gone... 2007 has been a stressful year for a lot of reasons and personally, I am glad to see it go. I look forward to a much better 2008. I know I cannot get rid of all stress, but wouldn't it be nice?

My SIL had a fantistic idea this year - that we should make lists of all that ails us for 2007 and burn the lists at midnight. A clensing of a sort. We probably will not actually be lighting things on fire (well, I suppose that depends on if the resident pyromaniac will be in attendance), but I think the idea is right. So tonight, I let go of all the stresses of 2007 (at least the ones that will not follow me into 2008) and start fresh tomorrow.

I don't really do resolutions, but if I did, I think this year it would be to let go and realize that I cannot control everything. Some things have to be left to whatever. Kind of depressing for my New Year's message, sorry. I'll try to do better tomorrow.

Be safe, but have fun at your New Year celebrations!

Until next time -

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Ho, Ho, Ho

"Santa was here!" my neice exclaimed as she came down the stairs at an ungodly hour on Christmas morning. Which was o.k., because her Mom and brother had already been up for an hour or so. My nephew came into the family room where I was sleeping and the tree was located and attempted to confiscate my little sister's Christmas present about 5 or 5:30 a.m. Considering I had gone to bed around 3:30 a.m. I was very happy to be awake! But who can get mad at little cuties like him and his sisters? Not me.

All in all it was a fantastic Christmas with great food (thanks!) fun presents, family and of course, after Christmas sales! I picked up the first season of Psych on dvd for $19.99 - woohoo! I love that darn show! I also got a pre-lit tree for $7, so it was a trip worth taking. Everyone must have had to work the day after Christmas because the stores were surprisingly not that crowded. Actually, Christmas Eve wasn't too bad either. I was even at the mall on Christmas Eve and had no problems. I finished my shopping and with the exception of a shipping problem for a gift for a friend, everything arrived and/or was found with time to spare.

My SIL made the best ham for dinner and her yummy stuffing. It was yummy-licious! We didn't have any turkey, so I am having turkey withdrawals this year. I'm going to have to pick up a turkey breast for dinner this weekend!

But now it's time to buckle down and stop spending money. My family does not really go crazy at Christmas spending tons of money, so luckily I don't have that to worry about, just the student loans from hell. Ah, I'm so glad I went for a post-graduate degree.

Oh - I saw National Treasure Book of Secrets on Friday and it was great! I enjoyed it thoroughly. For those that saw the first National Treasure, you know what is in store for you. It is a little Indiana Jonesesqe. The first movie gave you more history than the second. Book of Secrets was more action, but very enjoyable. If you are looking for a funny action adventure flick, this one is for you. Check it out. Nicholas Cage is great and I love the guy that plays Riley.

Well, I should get back to work. Everyone stay out of the snow tomorrow!

Until next time -

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night...

Well, it's that time. Noon on Christmas Eve and per tradition I am heading out to finish my Christmas shopping in just a moment. I tried dear readers, I really did. I tried to avoid the Christmas Eve shopping this year, but fate conspired against me. I guess the lesson is - who am I to break tradition. So as I go to fight the good fight, I wanted to take a moment to say, Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night...

I hope everyone has a fantastic Christmas filled with laughter and joy.

Until next time -

Friday, December 21, 2007

More Christmas Funny!

Hello again! I am going to see National Treasure tonight! WOOHOO! I leave you with a couple more Christmas funnies.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Christmas Fun

I know - it's been a while. I offer this Christmas funny for your forgiveness. I'm off to do some Christmas shopping - that should be a hoot...

Stay warm and have some yummy Christmas cookies!

'til next time,

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Did I mention winter is upon us?

Just want to make sure, because it's freakin' cold outside Mr. Bigglesworth... Not to mention the snow and ice. Ugh. The winter advisory said snow, not ice and only 1-3 inches of accumulation, no big. That's a freakin' walk in the park here in the midwest. Yeah, stupid weather advisory. The ice was so think on my car this evening that I could not get my door open. Luckily my brother was able to get the other door open and after letting the car run for 15 minutes or so, he was able to break the ice off my drivers side window, the windshield and the back. After a bit, I was able to roll down the rest of the windows, which even with the windows down remained completely blocked by ice, and broke that ice with my windshield scraper.

Ha - take that stupid ice storm! Accept, most of you know that I am wholly uncoordinated and have a knee cap that likes to dislocate - walking on ice, not good. If you do not know how much it hurts to dislocate a knee cap (and I hope you don't), you may not understand why I get a little weird about walking in the ice and slick. I am not a fan of pain and not being able to walk for a week or so until the cap goes back into place - also not a pleasant feeling. I actually stopped at the convenience store on the way home and bought some ice melting salt and covered the path from my car to my front door (I really wish I lived in a place with an attached garage), because in the 4 years I've been in my place and cannot remember the management company salting the paths to the buildings ever. I probably looked really stupid, but hey, it's better than a dislocated knee.

The only problem is that I am not leaving my place again today and maybe not tomorrow if the weather does not improve, but I don't actually have much by way of food in my place. Hmmm. This stinks. I may have to call the Italian place across the street and have them deliver.

Besides scavenging for food, I think I am going to take my SIL's advice and curl up in bed with a few episodes of Psych or a silly movie and wish away the bad weather.

Oh - and check out this blog post from the showrunner for the Sarah Connor Chronicles, it's freaking hilarious(I know, I'm over using the 'f' word tonight)!

Stay warm, drive safe and if possible, just stay home.

Until next time -

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Ah Winter Is Upon Us...

So, tonight as I was out and about I noticed it had started to snow/sleet. Realizing that winter was approaching in full force, I asked myself why I came back here from the west coast. I generally only ask myself that question two or three times a year when we are hit by a really big know storm or cold front. Other than the winter (and lack of an ocean), I greatly prefer the midwest to the west coast, but when it gets cold, I long for the constant sunshine and (relatively) warm weather.
I hope every one enjoyed the long holiday weekend. I broke from tradition this year and did not hit any of the Black Friday sales. Though, there were a few things on sale that I really wish I had had the money to buy, but otherwise, I just missed the craziness with my SIL. We generally go out at midnight on Thanksgiving or early Black Friday and get incredibly slap happy and giggly. It's very fun and I missed that, but there's always next year.
Saturday we had a get together in which we played more Celebrity in one night than I have in years. It was a lot of fun. For those who do not know, there's an element of Celebrity that requires charades and watching the SIL and another one of our friends act out the celebrities is one of the funniest experiences one can hope for on any given night. It was a great time!
Also, congrats to the latest of my friends having babies, the Wudchuks! WOOHOO!
Well, I guess that is all I have. I have to go get ready for work tomorrow.
Until next time,

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I am heading out to brave the Ike to get to the City, so that should be fun. Then, I get to drive from the city to the hometown, which should really suck with the holiday traffic and all... But all the while I will be dreaming of the turkey, turkey I get to eat tomorrow. I do love turkey.

So, while you gorge yourself on yummy food, watch sports, argue/tease/make fun of family and otherwise have a turkey-day good time, remember, it's only 34 days until Christmas and we get to do it all over again.

My favorite part of Thanksgiving - the turkey of course, midnight shopping with my sister-in-law, oh and the family time, too!

Happy Thanksgiving. Drive safe, eat well and have fun!

Until next time,

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Thus Endith My Career... AND Baby Thumper has arrived!

Not to worry, I mean my short-lived career planning baby showers. A couple of friends and I hosted a shower over the weekend. It was fun, tons of food, good friends and a bunch of adorable little ones running around all crazy like. Anyone's definition of a good time! But now I'm done. Congrats to the Peaches family and I hope you got tons of useful stuff AND had a good time at the shindig. Actually maybe it was more a little bit of hoot and a whole lot of nanny, to quote Seth Green. So, no more planning showers for me. My favorite part is playing with the babies once they are here and then giving them back at the end of the day! I can't wait to play with the next little one, coming in February to a hospital near you (well, me).
Big ol' CONGRATULATIONS to Thump and her hubby on the arrival of our British addition on the 8th - YAY! Another baby boy for me to play with!!!!
And now for a subject near and dear to my heart - television. That's right, I love television and while recent years have left a lot to be desired for quality tv, with the unfathomable popularity of reality shows, I still love it. There are quality shows that rock - 24, Psych, Smallville, NCIS and tons of others. I'm not really on the Heroes bandwagon, but I'm giving it a shot. Admittedly, my heart will always belong to Joss Whedon...
I've been reading a lot about the writer's strike and I completely support their right to strike, as well as supporting their demand to be given a piece of the streaming video pie. If they create a product, they deserve to get a fair share of the revenue created from the sale and use of that product, no matter the form of the use. Period.
The lame ass excuse of the studios that they do not have a business model for the possible or expected future revenue from these sources is less than persuasive. If I understand the WGA's position, they are asking for a percentage of the revenue, just as they have a percentage of the DVD revenue. This is a static percentage, it will not change no matter how much revenue is generated - can the studio not figure out that x% is x% whether they make $1.00 or $1 billion on a specific product? It's math - go ask the guys from Numb3rs, I bet they can help... that is, if they do not smack you around for making them strike.
This being said, can I say that the original members of the WGA were idiots? I was just reading about how the charter members of the union signed a contract assigning the studios the role of "authors" of the work once the product has been sold to the studio. And basically gave away the copyright of the works. Whomever was negotiating on behalf of the writers sold them out in a serious way.
I could understand if a writer is retained by a studio to write a specific product - for example, Warner Bros. comes to me and says, Shel, we would like you to right a screenplay about a supercool chic who has nothing better to do at 9:30 on a Wednesday night than blog about a writer's strike - the studio having a lot of control because the basic idea was provided by the studio and the writer was retained to create a specific product. But even in this example, the utter lack of control or right to a product created by the writer is astounding.
But when a person comes up with an idea, writes a screenplay and then approaches a studio to invest and produce the end product - I stunned at the horrible precedent set by those original few. I suppose I never thought of the writer being in a union, as you hear about contract negotiations between actors and studios all the time. I guess I assumed writers negotiated contracts for the sale of their works as well. I'm learning all kinds of new things with this strike, so if nothing else, it's been an educational experience. I have much more to say on this topic, but I do not want to have all the fun in one sitting.
Now, my problem is that I am going to have serious Jack Bauer withdrawals if this strike lasts for long. And what about NCIS, Chuck, Smallville, Psych and all my other favorites? Seriously, if I do not get new episodes of Psych in January as promised, I may cry. My dvr is already half full of last season's episodes! So, enjoy the new shows remaining and we'll meet back here in January when all the new eps have aired and discuss what books may fill the void!
'Til next time -

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Hail Janet & Random Acts of Kindness

So Saturday, my partner in crime and I went on Bel's Big Adventure. Part of the big adventure was dinner at Texas Roadhouse. As we approached, a lady well yelling from her car. I did not pay much attention, but then she calls "Young ladies!", so we turn around.
She tells us that she and her husband had checked in for a table, then because the wait was too long, went to dinner somewhere else, but accidentally took the pager with her. She hands me the pager and tells me to check in as Janet, table for 2 as they no longer need the table! It was fantastic, we walked in on a packed Saturday, were seated right away and we had the cutest waiter - he was probably 18, but he was a cutie!
So, all hail Janet - the fairy Godmother of Fun!!! She will have a starring role in our book - Cuddling Grandmother's and Other Lies They Told Me.
'til next time,

Thursday, November 1, 2007


So, a friend of mine is having a baby. Ok, actually several friends of mine are having babies, but I am currently planning a baby shower for one with some of my other friends. So, now for my mini-rant - why is it that certain things are categorized for boys and others for girls. Why is a frog a "boy" thing? I like frogs, why can't girls like frogs? Dogs are categorized with boys, dinosours, monkeys, gators and crocs, boats, reptiles of any kind and tons of other things that I do not think are just for boys.
I am so sick of commercial companies telling me that if I am a girl, I am supposed to like cats, butterflies and flowers and pink, every freakin' thing pink - and that's pretty much it.
Last night I was shopping on the Kohl's website for clothes for my one year old nephew - "the Ladies Man" from last week's post. Now, that shirt was funny. All of the clothes I found for boys of his age to age 3 were either sports or cars. If the clothes did not have those designs they were plain or stripped.
I find this so annoying. I'm ok if girls want to like kitties or butterflies, but only if they want to like it, not because Kohl's tells them they have to because they are girls. Why can't a boy like stars or butterflies? Butterflies are cool, they are wormies and then they can fly - that's awesome! Also, why can't baby girls wear blue? And why can boys only wear blue, green or maybe yellow? Stupid. I want to start my own kid line of stuff where anyone can like anything, to hell with convention or what people say you have to like.
O.k. I'm done. I just had to vent. Big thanks to Alexandra Ivy for sending me a signed copy of her new book Embrace the Darkness, book 2 in the Guardians of Eternity series! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Gotta run - I have an episode of NCIS waiting on my dvr.
'Til next time,

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Time Flies...

I cannot believe that it is less than two months until Christmas. Freakin' unbelievable. I'm the person always out doing the bulk of my Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve, always. It's kind of a joke with my sister-in-law and I, because half the time, she's with me, laughing her arse off.
Well, this year I've reformed. I have already started shopping, my shopping cart is full of toys and other assorted stuff ready to be purchased and shipped with the click of my mouse. I am so impressed with myself! I am so happy! Of course, the key now is to actually use my mouse to get those gifts shipped to me - which I will do next week. At least that's what I'm telling myself.
So, here's to getting your holiday shopping done, early and without too much hassle. Though, will the holidays still be the holidays this way? We'll see...
'Til next time -

Monday, October 29, 2007

Stephanie Rowe Rocks!

Anytime you hear that Satan is a favorite character in a series of books you've got to give it a try, right? I'm telling you - in Stephanie Rowe's series, Satan is hilarious! This series is about a bunch of immortal warriors, guardians, Satan and an Espresso Machine named Mona... Yep, that's right, the espresso machine has a name and is a major character in the series. See - you're intrigued right, you are feeling very sleepy, uh, I mean feeling the need to check it out.

The books in the series are:
Date Me Baby One More Time

Must Love Dragons

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Hot

and the latest installment,

Sex & the Immortal Bad Boy

See if you can guess the title that got me to pick up this series (if you don't know me that would be Must Love Dragons, 'cause who doesn't love dragons?). It's my favorite in the series so far. Last week I finished Sex & the Immortal Bad Boy. It was funny, witty and extremely entertaining. I seriously have no idea how Stephanie Rowe came up with this world and these characters, but God I love them! I want to hang out with Theresa the Dragon and Becca, Satan's right hand.

I cannot do the series justice, really I have no idea how to explain an immortal dragon that gets all flamey over gourmet pretzels. Or Satan the ridiculous leader of hell that claims to be the world's greatest lover. Or demons called Penhas (similar to a succubus in that they are sexually irresistible), that make those around them all hot & bothered. Paige, the Rivka with an inner Wraith, bred to be the ultimate killing machine, who is probably the most innocent character of the bunch. And who could forget Mona the espresso machine...

When you need an escape from what is stressing you out, you're ready to pull out your hair and kick the boys in, well, the boys - pick up these books. You can read Sex & the Immortal Bad Boy as a stand alone, but really, why would you? Start with the first and count them down. The books are quick, easy reads - a great escape. Happy reading and don't drink from the espresso machine or the dragon might fry you...

Until next time -

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Evils of Google!

O.k., I admit it - I googled myself today. (get your minds out of the gutter people!) I don't know why I did it, but I did. Boy, what a mistake. There were a couple of cool things, but then there was some very not cool stuff. It was professional and I really should ignore it, but it ticked me off. Do I care what the crazy lady thinks of me? No, but still, did she have to mention my name?
I know it doesn't matter, the people who know me know I'm only evil when provoked. Or drunk, or on a Tuesday, but seriously, why would the crazy lady even mention my name? It was something professional, so she could have mentioned my firm or used some generality, but no, crazy used my name.
So, my friends, the moral of the story is - do not under any circumstances google yourself, not that there's anything wrong with that.
In other news, Psych rocks! Sorry, I'm watching a rerun while I whine about googling. Now I'm off to do something... I don't know.
'Til next time -

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Hi Thumpelina & Happy Birthday Wyatt - Check out the Videos!

Wyatt, the "Ladies Man" after devouring his cake at his 1st Birthday Party!

Part I of Greetings to Thumper! I'm sure it will feel just like you are being annoyed by us in person!

Part II

Part III

Part IV - The best for last, some things never change, like Duch's mastery of the English language.

I tried to e-mail these to you, but I was having trouble making them attachments. I hope you can see & hear everything! We love you and I will call you Monday afternoon!


Friday, October 19, 2007

Long Lost... something

I know, I know - I suck. I have been gone for a while. Things have been CRAZY busy, but that's no excuse. I've neglected my loyal readership - all those people who clog the internet day after day, just hoping I will update my blog!
Well, this is just a quickie, much work awaits, but it is my little nephew's first birthday and he is such a cutey - even if he does love to shriek for no reason every few minutes. I think it's cute, but I have it on good authority that his mother may pull out all of her hair one of these days! So, yay for cute baby birthdays! It's also Wudchuk's birthday and yesterday was Duch's, and while they are cute, they cannot compare to one-year old chubby cheeks cute! Happy birthday guys! We love you!
Also, I am reading Sex and the Immortal Bad Boy - book 4 in a series by Stephanie Rowe - Oh my, this is hilarious, more next time, but if you love silly, fun entertainment like I do, definitely read this book!
Ok, hugs and kisses - I gotta run and write a brief.

Monday, September 3, 2007


Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear little sister, happy birthday to you!!!!
You look like a monkey and smell like one too!!
Anyone in the Central Illinois region should be very careful on the roads, as little sister is getting her drivers license tomorrow.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Hello my lovely, lovely friends. No, I have not been drinking, I'm just in a good mood! I have successfully gotten rid of about five garbage bags full of crap from my apartment. I have thrown out a bunch of old clothes, cleaned out the cabinets and refrigerator, and gotten rid of all the old magazines, etc., just laying around. Now I just need to find more space for my books - the collection just keeps growing, even though I am a frequent flyer at the library. How do I keep accumulating so many books? Pretty soon I will have to get rid of all of the furniture in my itty bitty apartment to add more bookcases to give my lovely books a home! Speaking of...
I just purchased two new books I cannot wait to read this weekend - I couldn't wait the three months it would take the library to get them! I plan to read one tonight and one tomorrow.
One is Crime Seen by Victoria Laurie. The fourth book in the psychic detective series by Ms. Laurie. I've enjoyed the first three, so I am greatly anticipating this one.
The second book is Undercover in High Heels by Gemma Halliday. This is Ms. Halliday's third book in the High Heels series about a shoe designer named Maddie who for various reasons ends up embroiled in mysteries. The first book, Spying in Heels is in development for a series on USA. In Spying in High Heels, Maddie's boyfriend goes missing just as she figures out that she is late and may be pregnant. Refusing to take the pregnancy test until the boyfriend is found, Maddie sets out to solve his disappearance herself. The second book, Killer in High Heels is hilarious as Maddie teams up with a few cross-dressers to solve a mystery surrounding her long lost father. I thoroughly enjoyed both books. Gemma Halliday is hilarious. You can check out her blog at or her website at
Well, that's it for now.
Until next time -

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Long Weekend!!

That's right, I am taking a long weekend. No work for me tomorrow, well almost. I was taking the day off, but I have to go in for a few minutes in the afternoon tomorrow. I know, I'm pathetic. I fully admit I am a workaholic.
I am so excited for this weekend, but I am a little sad... Labor Day weekend signifies the end of summer and I am not ready for the end of summer... It seems that summer just started, where did it go? My niece has her first official day of kindergarten tomorrow. I cannot imagine how her parents are handling this, 'cause I think I would be inconsolable.
My big plans for the long weekend? Clean. I have been in a strange purging phase in my apartment. I have already done the kitchen and bathroom. I really need to finish the rest of the place. My place is roughly the size of most people's living room, so you would think it would not take a lot to purge and clean it, but I have three and a half years of built up junk here. I'm trying to simplify my life, starting with my apartment. We'll see how that goes. I would make a pretty sad homemaker - a domestic person I am not.
Once I'm done or sick of cleaning I will probably try to catch a movie or two. There are a couple out that I would really like to see. I also have a huge pile of 'to be read' books. Some from the library, so I should read those so other people can enjoy them too!
Oh and the new season of tv is coming! Is there anything good coming out this fall? I missed Heroes last year because my dvr broke and by the time I got it fixed I had missed a few episodes. Other than that, I have no idea what I will be watching this fall. Well, except Smallville, that Superman is hot!
Well, I'm going to get a jump start on that cleaning.
Until next time -

Monday, August 27, 2007

A Very Good Day

Today has been a very good day. The best day I have had in a while. So, forgive me if for my brevity - I need to go celebrate.
Over the weekend I saw I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry with little sister and my sister-in-law (often my partner in crime). I preface this by saying I love all things that make me laugh. I laugh as often as possible and sometimes for no reason at all. That being said, I laughed my arse off at Chuck & Larry. It is a stupid, silly, sometimes nearly offensive Adam Sandler movie. I liked it better than most of his recent comedies, but it was not nearly as good as Happy Gilmore (can he ever top Happy Gilmore? I don't think so). There are some excellent quotes in this movie and Dan Aykroyd as the fire chief - fantastic choice. One of the things I love about Sandler's movies are that the same group of guys are in all of them, no matter how brief the appearance and they were all accounted for in this one too. Oh & Ving Rhames has a hilarious part as well. I warn you, this movie is not for everyone, but if you want a laugh - go for it.
The trip was otherwise uneventful, just hanging out with the fam. I hope everyone had a great weekend.
Until next time -

Friday, August 24, 2007

Free Willy!!

A little Friday fun - this is amazing video!

I had a big hearing this week, which turned out much better than I anticipated, even though I lost - which I knew I would. It was kind of freeing knowing that no matter what I said or what evidence I presented that I was going to lose... it gave the me chance to hone my skills. At least that's what my small non-competitive side is telling me. The competitive side is beyond pissed that I lost a hearing that I so should have won.

Beyond that hearing, there's not much that would interest folks reading this (if anyone is). Little sister is turning 16 in about a week *shudder*, so I will be heading to hometown for a couple of days this weekend. I've promised her a movie or something to celebrate. I think we might see I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry, which I totally want to see. I love Adam Sandler and Kevin James was funny as hell in Hitch. I've also packed some books to read this weekend. Mom has a new pool & deck, so maybe I'll get some quality lounging/reading time in.

Until next time - try not to get overturned by any Orcas.


Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Have you ever had a moment of insight, where things suddenly made a kind of sense they didn't before? I haven't but I'm hoping to someday. I am completely and utterly confused by life and people. It all boggles the mind.

I'm off to fight a losing battle, with a judge that completely disregards the law. Should be fun.

Until next time -

Friday, August 17, 2007

What is it about Friday afternoons that makes me want to go home and take a nap? I remember in the not so distant past when Friday afternoon couldn't come soon enough, because that meant we were that much closer to Friday night fun. Man, I am getting old.
This has been a hectic week with forged documents, crazy coots with leprechauns breaking into their houses, and irritating lawyers. I am ready for the weekend. Seriously, someone thought leprechauns were breaking into their house - I think someone needs stronger medication... Or perhaps the medication is already too strong. Either way, medication should be involved.
I saw the Bourne Ultimatum last weekend. It did not disappoint. I think the 2nd is still my favorite, but 3 was pretty cool. Great chase scenes and kick-butt action, just what you would expect from Jason Bourne. I do not know if they will endeavor to do a 4th movie, but I'm there if they do. I still need to see Die Hard, I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry and Stardust. Maybe I will see one this weekend.
It's about time to turn in the briefs and get the heck out of the office, so until next time.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Psych, I defy you not to laugh

I've mentioned Psych before, but I wanted to revisit the topic, because those of you not watching this show are seriously missing out on high quality hilarity. Psych is a comedy/mystery show on USA.
The star of the show is Shawn Spencer. Shawn's father was a police officer who drilled powers of observation and deduction into his son through testing and exercises, such as making Shawn prove he observed how many people were wearing hats when they walked into a restaurant before Shawn could have desert. The father (played by Corbin Bernsen) wanted Shawn to become a police officer. Much to Dad's chagrin, Shawn prefers to float through life, never taking anything too seriously. One of the ways Shawn makes money is by watching the news and then making anonymous tips to the police to solve crimes.
Unfortunately, Shawn does this one too many times and the locals think Shawn must be in on the crimes to have this insider information. About to be thrown into the slammer, Shawn explains that he is a psychic and that is how he gets the information. The Chief of police then tests Shawn by hiring him as a psychic on a case-by-case basis. Once this happens, Shawn turns to his best friend Gus, a pharmacology salesman to help him. Together they open Psych, a psychic detective agency.
This show is original, hilarious and brilliant. USA hit the jackpot for cast chemistry with these people. The guy who plays Detective Lassiter, Shawn's main nemesis, has such a dry sense of humor, Shawn is a lovable wacko and Gus is his perfect straight man. The entire cast plays so well off each other. I honestly do not think I have belly laughed at any other comedy the way I do this one. AND it's an hour long comedy to boot. The story lines and situations are so creative and funny. Shawn pretending to channel a cat, impersonating doctors at a vet clinic (which I know is a personal favorite of Belinda's). Murder at a spelling bee competition. This year they ripped off American Idol and watching the two main characters perform (with Gus dressed as Michael Jackson) - damn, comedy just does not get much better. The shows website is:
The show is full of inspired 80's references and jokes. In the last episode Shawn was trying to figure out who shot a spitball at their 5th grade teacher - he had a second spitter theory. To aid in his investigation he bought a row of lockers on ebay. He decorated his and Gus' lockers with a pictures of Crocket and Tubs.
At the end of each episode they do "psych-outs" which usually involves cast members singing, dancing or otherwise acting silly. They also have a couple of short webisodes. The first season was also just released on dvd. I cannot explain to you how funny this show is, watch an episode, I dare you not to laugh. I double dog dare you. Ha, try to wuss out on that one! Seriously, words cannot do it justice. Just watch!
'til next time -

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Check Out this Site

Today I have been hugged by weird people, yelled at and nearly had heat stroke running around the City in a suit. So, when I clicked on the following link, I just about wet myself...
It's so wrong, but damn, its funny!
Enjoy -

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Silly Fun

If you are having one of those days and just want to stop thinking for a few minutes, might I suggest the following website:
End with the eggs, it's worth it.
Hugs & Kisses,

Friday, August 3, 2007

Drugged Up, Gods, thieves and psychics, oh my...

My advice for the day, never take Tylenol P.M. when you cannot be home to sleep... I've had a toothache for the last two days. This afternoon it was so bad that I took what I thought was regular tylenol. About 1/2 hour ago I thought I was going to fall asleep at my desk, so I looked at the bottle and behold the power of tylenol pm. I must have grabbed the wrong bottle this morning. I may take a nap at my desk... excuse me if I snore.

So, in my attempt to stay awake:
Hot Fuzz came out on DVD this week. I used my free rental from Blockbuster for it! WOOHOO! I am going to watch it this weekend.

As for books - I finally finished The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan this week. This is a series of young adult books about a kid named Percy Jackson who finds out he is the son of Poseidon and that the Greek Gods are alive and well living in America. The story is that the Olympians follow western civilization. Around the time of WWII, the big three (Zeus, Poseidon & Hades) make a pact not to father anymore children with mortals because the demigods are unpredictable and cause trouble. It is insinuated that many of the famous or infamous people throughout history were actually demigods. Well, leave it to those rascally gods to break their deal, both Zeus and Poseidon father a child after the pact, Percy and Thalia.

Demigods, like Percy, fight the monsters of mythology that do not actually die, but if defeated in battle disappear for a while to return again when they are strong enough. These monsters can sniff out the demigods, so the demigods are sent to Camp Half-Blood to train and/or live there year round to escape the monsters. When Percy finds out he is a demigod, he is sent to Camp to train. When Poseidon claims Percy as his son, Zeus is outraged because of a prediction from the Oracle that a child of the big three would make a decision that could destroy all of the Olympians when that child turns 16. Another plot line is that Kronos, the king of the Titan's is trying to find a way to regain control of the world and destroy the Olympians.

It sounds weird, but it is a fun series. It's no Harry Potter, but I like it. There are three books in the series so far: The Lightening Thief, The Sea of Monsters and The Titan's Curse.

I also read Queen of Babble in the Big City, by Meg Cabot which is the sequel to Queen of Babble. It was o.k. The first one was better. The heroine's babble got on my nerves a bit. Probably because I babble enough on my own. Now I am reading the third book in The Retriever's Series by Laura Anne Gilman, Bring It On. It's about Wren, a magical Retriever - basically a thief for hire who uses her magic to retrieve items stolen from her clients.

As for other entertainment - Eureka, the SciFi channel series is back for its second season. I watched the first four episodes of the season the other night and it is just as wacky as the first season, plus the guy who plays the sheriff is hot. Also, one of my favorite shows, Psych (USA channel) is back for the second season. I LOVE this show. It is hilarious. If you haven't seen it yet, definitely check it out.

O.k. that's all I have for today. I'm thinking I may take that nap now. Keep on rockin' in the free world or something like that...


Monday, July 23, 2007

The End of an Era - No Spoilers!

Yes, I am thinking of Harry Potter again. I stood in line with 5 or so of my friends at midnight on Friday to get my copy of the Deathly Hallows. I was so excited to finally have the book, but also a little terrified. I brought the book home and had planned to jump right into it as I had the other midnight books, but I couldn't quite bring myself to do it... I mean, once I finished this book it was over, no more Harry Potter to look forward to. It was very distressing for me, so I went to bed.

I got up on Saturday, worked out and then went to work, all the while knowing that Deathly Hallows was right there and I needed to read it before someone spoiled the ending for me, but still, I could not face the end. I left work, stopped at the Library, met some people for a few drinks (well, I didn't drink, but they did) and finally got home around midnight. As I settled in my bed for the night I saw the green Barnes & Noble bag calling me from my purple tote bag and I finally gave in. I pulled the book out of the bag almost as if it were a precious gem instead of a book. It was really sad how I took my time to even open the book. I did not look at the chapter names, I did NOT skip to the last page of the book. I just settled in for a little reading.

This was a mistake. At midnight on Saturday I began reading a book that was nearly 700 pages long. This might not have been so bad, except I had to get up early to drive to Indiana with Kristin, Woody, Joe and the twins to see a Thump, who lives in London and was only in town for one more day. Did I act reasonably and read for an hour and then get some sleep - not hardly. Just as with all Rowling's other books after about 15 minutes I was completely enthralled. It wasn't until I saw the sunrise through my bedroom window that I realized I had stayed up all night. At this point I had to be up in an hour, so I kept reading. I finally had to force myself to put the book down so I could hop in the shower, which sucked because I was just getting to the heart of the matter... AGHHH. Why did I make plans for the weekend?

So I get to Kristin & Woody's house who will be driving us to Indiana (Thanks guys!!!) and the first thing I am asked is if Harry dies - Don't worry, no spoilers from me. To which I reply that I know it's rude to read in a car with some of your closest friends, but I am almost done with the book, so they will have to forgive me! I'm feeling pretty good considering I have been up for about 27 hours at this point. We get in the van, three friends, two babies and I and I start reading immediately. Everyone pretty much ignores me through the drive, except the twins who were staring at me - I'm going to take it as a compliment that they love their Aunt Shel.

Just as we pull into the parking lot of the place we are meeting our dear Thump, I start the last page of the book. Woody asks me if I am done - "I'm on the last page, be with you in a minute." I finished the book and we went to have lunch.

About a 1/2 hour into lunch I feel like I am going to completely pass out. Yech, I am getting entirely too old to stay up all day and night. I was fine while I was reading, but once the excitement of finding out the story was over, I was really ready for bed. Sorry Thump, I love you, but I was barely there for most of our visit - I promise next time I will be much more awake!

After a few hours of visiting, we get back in the borrowed minivan, Woody looks at me in the rear view mirror and says "Hey Shel, sleep" and snaps his fingers like a genie and that's really all it took for me to sleep about half way back home. I went home, did some stuff to prepare for my week and was in bed by 9:00 p.m.

I usually devour books as quickly as possible. I retain everything, but I am a very fast reader (for example I read an entire 300 page novel in the 3 1/2 hours I have been home from work tonight). I caught myself flying through the Deathly Hallows on a few occasions and forced myself to slow down. I really did not want to rush the experience - I wanted to absorb it all, enjoy the last time any of the Harry Potter story would be new to me.

Whew, no one spoiled the book for me. I was terrified to go online or watch the news, heck I didn't even want to stop at the library on Saturday to return some books for fear that I might accidentally hear some excited kid spill the beans. I hate when the end of the story is ruined. I literally waited years to read this book and I would have been devastated if it had been ruined in the 11th hour.

So, for anyone bored enough to read this; I hope you are enjoying the Deathly Hallows. We'll talk once everyone has had the chance to read it...
'Til then -

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Harry Potter

I admit it, I worship at the Altar of Harry Potter. I am a huge fan. I have read the first four books at least eight times each. I will be one of the nuts in line at 11:00 p.m. Friday July 20, 2007 to get my copy of Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows. I will also have the book finished by Sunday the 22nd. O.k., so I am actually thinking of taking Friday afternoon off of work to enjoy the fesitivities in the town I live in, but that's besides the point...

Admittedly, I have only read book 5 twice and book 6 once. I am trying to get through the series one last time before Friday, but I don't think I am going to make it. The books are unbelievable. J.K. Rowling has created a fantastic world filled with characters we love and hate with equal vehemance. Even if I was not an actual fan of the books, any book that can motivate so many people to read will have my support. Harry Potter has introduced a new generation to the love of books and reminded some of us of previous generations why we love books so much.

I have mixed feelings about Deathly Hallows, on one hand I am extremely excited that the next book is out, but I will be sad to see the series end. My biggest apprehension is about what will happen in this last installment. There is a distinct possibility that some of my favorite characters, including Harry, will die in this battle against Voldemort and while I logically know this, the thought of it breaks my heart a little. Two of my favorite characters have died in previous books and I am not sure how much more I can handle. I know any character is fair game when the story ends, especially when Rowling has said that there is no guarantee of a happy ending, but it is terrifying to a true fan nonetheless.

As for the movies, well this is a favorite rant of mine. I saw Order of the Phoenix on Friday night and was terribly disappointed. The books have obviously done something right, so why do the movie makers change things for no reason? Or if there is a reason, not a clearly discernable one? The story is amazing as Rowling wrote it, but the movies are not just pale comparisons, but in some instances completely different. I had this same problem with the second Bridget Jones movie.
For example, since the third HP movie, the students are rarely in their robes, why? I cannot perceive of any logical, rational reason for this. They are wizards, in the books the students and all wizards wear robes unless they are trying to blend with Muggles, but in the movies, virtually none of the characters wear robes! This makes no sense to me, none. This is not my only complaint, but my most obvious one.

I also understand that the books are too long for all of the wonderful scenes to be in the movies, but the last three movies have seemed like less than even a cliff-notes version of the books. The Lord of the Rings did such a good job of including as much as possible into the movies, that I guess I had hoped the HP movies would do the same. Again, the HP books are much longer than the LOTR books, but it is still disappointing. O.k. I am done ranting, but only because it does no good.

So, for all you Harry Potter fans, enjoy the Deathly Hallows as much as possible. Savor the book, as one way or another, it is the end of something great.


Tuesday, July 3, 2007

4th of July

It's July 3 - tomorrow is a holiday, thank goodness. Even though the weekend is just two days past, I could really use the day off. Had a bad day at work yesterday... I lost an argument I should have won. Work's been a little stressful lately anyway and losing this is not going to sit well with my client. If only I could run off to the Bahamas, but alas, I am stuck in the midwest.

At least I have tomorrow off. The 4th of July always brings to mind cookouts with hot dogs and hamburgers, friends laughing and of course, fireworks. I have no plans this year, which is strange. I'm thinking of heading to the park with a good book and pretending that I am in the Bahamas. Or maybe I will check out the pool at my building (which I generally do about once a year, so I'm due). One of my favorite rituals on the 4th is watching Independence Day - I know, cliche, but I seriously love this movie. Will Smith was incredible (and hot), not to mention Adam Baldwin (later to star in Firefly and Angel) and Jeff Goldblum. It's such a quotable movie and fun.

I know, probably not what the founding fathers had in mind when the signed the Declaration of Independence, but then again, maybe this is exactly what they had in mind. One of my ancestors actually signed the Declaration and since I have a background in political science and government, I tend to wax poetical about the 4th and what it means to me (once I've finished my hot dog and watched the fireworks, of course). I will spare anyone reading this my philosphy on freedom for today, but I make no promises for tomorrow...

I have a couple of books to review this week, which I will try to do on Thursday or Friday. Until then, Happy Independence Day!


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I'm Baaacck!

So, I really stink at this blogging thing, but I will try to be better. I started this blog because a friend recommended it, but I kind of like the idea of having a blog, so I will be better, I will darn it.

This week I read a serious of light-hearted mysteries by Kathleen Bacus, the Calamity Jayne series. These books feature Tressa Jayne Turner whose knack for being in the wrong place at the wrong time and more than a little accident prone has earned her the nickname Calamity. It's a funny series, but not for someone looking for serious reading.

Also, Janet Evanovich's latest Stephanie Plum book, Lean Mean Thirteen came out yesterday. Yes, I have finished it already. This is not my favorite of the series, but it was Stephanie Plum. I have no idea how Janet Evanovich continues to come up with these stories and situations that keeps me laughing out loud, but fifteen books in and I am still hooked.

My sister lent me one of these books last year and I was lucky enough to run through the first thirteen books (one through twelve and the first between the numbers book) all at once. Now that I've caught up, I am concerned about how I will make it another year until the fourteenth book comes out!

As for other entertainment, I saw the Nancy Drew movie on Friday. I probably would not have seen this one in the theater, but the wife of a guy I work with rented out room at the local theater and had a Nancy Drew party. Since it was free and sounded better than spending my Friday night watching tv or hanging out in a bar, I went. The movie was actually much funnier than I had anticipated.

I have never read any of the Nancy Drew books. Amazingly, this tom-boy was hooked on the Hardy Boys as a kid, no Nancy Drew for me, so I have no point of reference for comparison between the books and the movie. As a stand alone, the movie was good.

I enjoyed Pirates: at World's End, but it was not my favorite. The movie was a bit long and drug out in some places. Still, it was Captain Jack, so definitely see it.

My favorite movie of the Spring/Summer so far is Hot Fuzz. I was hesitant to see this movie, having had no interest in seeing Shaun of the Dead (they were made by the same guys). I went because it was the movie chosen by a friend for his birthday viewing - I thanked him afterward. It was hilarious! It's a spoof on cop movies, making fun of all the over the top things in these movies. It was great.

As for me, life continues on. I'm struggling with work a bit right now as business has been a little slow and I am not sure what to do about it. Sales and marketing are not my thing, but I guess I had better learn the skills if I want to continue to advance my career. I suppose I could jump ship, but I really like where I am and when business was good, I had very few complaints (we always have some complaints, don't we?).

Personally, last year I had some great success in weight loss, trying to get healthier, but I have fallen off the wagon the last several months and need to find my motivation to get back to it. I signed up for four aerobics classes, two hours a night, five times a week. It seems like a lot, but I really was doing great and now I've gained some of the weight back and I'm ticked. The problem is that there have been a couple of classes I have been forced to miss and now, I find myself losing the will to go to the classes. HELP!!!

I've tried bribing myself. I tell myself if I meet my goal by a certain date I will buy myself that IPod I've been wanting or take a vacation to an island somewhere... Nothing is working. I really need to get a kick in the butt.

Until next time....


Friday, March 23, 2007

I'm blogging!

You know, that just sounds weird - "I'm blogging", like a nasty bodily function or something. Anyway, I'm here, I'm blogging and I really have only random thoughts to contribute and probably nothing of substance.

I read alot (I mean alot), so a friend suggested that I keep a blog about what I am reading (I'm not sure why anyone would care, but what the heck). Anything I recommend or don't recommend is based solely on my own strange preferences. I read very quickly and can usually kill a book in a few hours, so I may list a lot of books, but I do have a life, well sometimes. While I read, I usually listen to a wide range of music.

Right now I am really into reading mysteries and listening to Snow Patrol. I LOVE Snow Patrol. My sister-in-law turned me on to the a few years ago. You may have heard "Chasing Cars" which was featured on Grey's Anatomy last season. To hear "Chasing Cars" and other fantastic music you can check Snow Patrol out at

They were also on SNL last week. And if you saw the theater preview for the Kevin Costner flick The Guardian, Snow Patrol's Run was the song in the preview.

I am going to see them in concert next week!!! I am so excited. I saw them in September and it was fantastic! Their latest cd "Eyes Open" has my favorite song - Track 7 "Make This Go On Forever". Oh, and "You Could Be Happy" was playing at the beginning of last week's episode of Smallville (the Lana & Lex wedding episode - and oh my God, what an episode!). I am glad the band is getting so much exposure AND that songs other than "Chasing Cars" are being played. Don't get me wrong, I love "Chasing Cars", but they have so many great songs to choose from.

As for reading, I just finished Brigadoom by Susan Goodwill. It's the first in a new mystery series and Ms. Goodwill's first book. It was pretty good, thoroughly enjoyable. I would recommend it to someone looking for a lighthearted mystery. Ms. Goodwill has created some wacky characters, I especially enjoyed the heroine's nutty Aunt, who was a Hollywood starlet back in the day. My only complaint about the book is that the next installment of the series does not come out until March 2008!

After finishing Brigadoom, I moved on to the Rachel Benjamin series by Jennifer Sturman. I finished The Pact last night and will start The Jinx this weekend at some point. In The Pact, Rachel Benjamin tries to figure out who killed her best friend's groom the night before the wedding. Rachel goes back and forth between suspecting no one and suspecting everyone. The book could have been better, Rachel jumps to conclusions that did not actually make a lot of sense to me, but overall the story was interesting. I will give The Jinx a try and then decide whether to continue with the series.

It's been a long week and I am looking forward to curling up with a good book, so next time I will thrill you with a list of some of my favorite silly mysteries - I'm sure you can't wait.
