Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I know, it's been a while. I'd offer excuses like, "I've been busy" or "work has been crazy" or "I was working on my plan for world domination", but let's be honest, there's no excuse for ignoring my duty to spread my useless blather to the masses, and for that, I apologize.

It's St. Patrick's Day, a day a wee Irish lass like myself should spend in a pub, unfortunately, I'm at work. It's a beautiful, 70 degree spring day and I'm stuck in the office. I was in court this morning sporting my wicked cool shamrock socks (probably a good thing no one could see them). Now I'm getting ready to do 2 hours of excruciatingly boring training on a new computer system. I will probably need whiskey when I'm done.

Tonight I will begin packing for my big vacation next week. I am so excited! Though, the hardest part of packing for me so far is what books to bring with me... Hmm. I'm torn. I will probably err on the side of caution and bring waaaayyy to many, but I can never decide what I will be in the mood to read! If anyone has any recommendations, I'm open.

I hope everyone has a safe and fun St. Patrick's Day. Sláinte!

Until next time -

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Midweek blahs

So, I am currently sitting at my desk trying to figure out how to pay $500 in bills with the $79 currently residing in my checking account. It's making me want to have donuts, or cookies - yum, cookies. I bitch and complain and whine that I didn't win the huge lottery jackpot last night (which, I might have if I actually bought a ticket, but that's besides the point!) and then I thought about this old guy I ran into this weekend and I feel a little better about my current financial woes.
I was walking through Target on Saturday picking up a few essentials (doing the laundry without detergent is not quite as effective) when this old guy stops me and just starts talking. He kind of reminded me of my Dad. He is 74 years old and a retired marine. He asked me what I did for a living and when I told him, he smiled and said that he could remember a time when a "smart girl" like me went to college, the only things I could have hoped to be were a teacher, a receptionist or a nurse. He said he never understood why women didn't riot for equality like other minorities had (which I agreed with). Then he went on to tell me about his wife of 50 some odd years (he's having some memory problems, but we forgive him for that. He said his wife has Alzheimer’s disease and tells me about how they met. It was very sweet and the old guy was nearing tears. I think what struck me the most was that when he said goodbye he said, "Be sure to tell someone that you met a nice old man today." Of course, he also told me I had two things going for me, my "personality" and my "face", not really sure how to take that, but let's just go with it! So, while my money problems may suck, there are people out there with much more devastating problems to worry about.
In other, much less depressing news, the new U2 cd came out yesterday. I am looking forward to getting a good listen. Also, a big Happy 1st B-day to Ana the Biscuit! Oh and enjoy the nearly 60 degree weather tomorrow! WOOHOO!
Until next time -