Monday, July 23, 2007

The End of an Era - No Spoilers!

Yes, I am thinking of Harry Potter again. I stood in line with 5 or so of my friends at midnight on Friday to get my copy of the Deathly Hallows. I was so excited to finally have the book, but also a little terrified. I brought the book home and had planned to jump right into it as I had the other midnight books, but I couldn't quite bring myself to do it... I mean, once I finished this book it was over, no more Harry Potter to look forward to. It was very distressing for me, so I went to bed.

I got up on Saturday, worked out and then went to work, all the while knowing that Deathly Hallows was right there and I needed to read it before someone spoiled the ending for me, but still, I could not face the end. I left work, stopped at the Library, met some people for a few drinks (well, I didn't drink, but they did) and finally got home around midnight. As I settled in my bed for the night I saw the green Barnes & Noble bag calling me from my purple tote bag and I finally gave in. I pulled the book out of the bag almost as if it were a precious gem instead of a book. It was really sad how I took my time to even open the book. I did not look at the chapter names, I did NOT skip to the last page of the book. I just settled in for a little reading.

This was a mistake. At midnight on Saturday I began reading a book that was nearly 700 pages long. This might not have been so bad, except I had to get up early to drive to Indiana with Kristin, Woody, Joe and the twins to see a Thump, who lives in London and was only in town for one more day. Did I act reasonably and read for an hour and then get some sleep - not hardly. Just as with all Rowling's other books after about 15 minutes I was completely enthralled. It wasn't until I saw the sunrise through my bedroom window that I realized I had stayed up all night. At this point I had to be up in an hour, so I kept reading. I finally had to force myself to put the book down so I could hop in the shower, which sucked because I was just getting to the heart of the matter... AGHHH. Why did I make plans for the weekend?

So I get to Kristin & Woody's house who will be driving us to Indiana (Thanks guys!!!) and the first thing I am asked is if Harry dies - Don't worry, no spoilers from me. To which I reply that I know it's rude to read in a car with some of your closest friends, but I am almost done with the book, so they will have to forgive me! I'm feeling pretty good considering I have been up for about 27 hours at this point. We get in the van, three friends, two babies and I and I start reading immediately. Everyone pretty much ignores me through the drive, except the twins who were staring at me - I'm going to take it as a compliment that they love their Aunt Shel.

Just as we pull into the parking lot of the place we are meeting our dear Thump, I start the last page of the book. Woody asks me if I am done - "I'm on the last page, be with you in a minute." I finished the book and we went to have lunch.

About a 1/2 hour into lunch I feel like I am going to completely pass out. Yech, I am getting entirely too old to stay up all day and night. I was fine while I was reading, but once the excitement of finding out the story was over, I was really ready for bed. Sorry Thump, I love you, but I was barely there for most of our visit - I promise next time I will be much more awake!

After a few hours of visiting, we get back in the borrowed minivan, Woody looks at me in the rear view mirror and says "Hey Shel, sleep" and snaps his fingers like a genie and that's really all it took for me to sleep about half way back home. I went home, did some stuff to prepare for my week and was in bed by 9:00 p.m.

I usually devour books as quickly as possible. I retain everything, but I am a very fast reader (for example I read an entire 300 page novel in the 3 1/2 hours I have been home from work tonight). I caught myself flying through the Deathly Hallows on a few occasions and forced myself to slow down. I really did not want to rush the experience - I wanted to absorb it all, enjoy the last time any of the Harry Potter story would be new to me.

Whew, no one spoiled the book for me. I was terrified to go online or watch the news, heck I didn't even want to stop at the library on Saturday to return some books for fear that I might accidentally hear some excited kid spill the beans. I hate when the end of the story is ruined. I literally waited years to read this book and I would have been devastated if it had been ruined in the 11th hour.

So, for anyone bored enough to read this; I hope you are enjoying the Deathly Hallows. We'll talk once everyone has had the chance to read it...
'Til then -

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Harry Potter

I admit it, I worship at the Altar of Harry Potter. I am a huge fan. I have read the first four books at least eight times each. I will be one of the nuts in line at 11:00 p.m. Friday July 20, 2007 to get my copy of Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows. I will also have the book finished by Sunday the 22nd. O.k., so I am actually thinking of taking Friday afternoon off of work to enjoy the fesitivities in the town I live in, but that's besides the point...

Admittedly, I have only read book 5 twice and book 6 once. I am trying to get through the series one last time before Friday, but I don't think I am going to make it. The books are unbelievable. J.K. Rowling has created a fantastic world filled with characters we love and hate with equal vehemance. Even if I was not an actual fan of the books, any book that can motivate so many people to read will have my support. Harry Potter has introduced a new generation to the love of books and reminded some of us of previous generations why we love books so much.

I have mixed feelings about Deathly Hallows, on one hand I am extremely excited that the next book is out, but I will be sad to see the series end. My biggest apprehension is about what will happen in this last installment. There is a distinct possibility that some of my favorite characters, including Harry, will die in this battle against Voldemort and while I logically know this, the thought of it breaks my heart a little. Two of my favorite characters have died in previous books and I am not sure how much more I can handle. I know any character is fair game when the story ends, especially when Rowling has said that there is no guarantee of a happy ending, but it is terrifying to a true fan nonetheless.

As for the movies, well this is a favorite rant of mine. I saw Order of the Phoenix on Friday night and was terribly disappointed. The books have obviously done something right, so why do the movie makers change things for no reason? Or if there is a reason, not a clearly discernable one? The story is amazing as Rowling wrote it, but the movies are not just pale comparisons, but in some instances completely different. I had this same problem with the second Bridget Jones movie.
For example, since the third HP movie, the students are rarely in their robes, why? I cannot perceive of any logical, rational reason for this. They are wizards, in the books the students and all wizards wear robes unless they are trying to blend with Muggles, but in the movies, virtually none of the characters wear robes! This makes no sense to me, none. This is not my only complaint, but my most obvious one.

I also understand that the books are too long for all of the wonderful scenes to be in the movies, but the last three movies have seemed like less than even a cliff-notes version of the books. The Lord of the Rings did such a good job of including as much as possible into the movies, that I guess I had hoped the HP movies would do the same. Again, the HP books are much longer than the LOTR books, but it is still disappointing. O.k. I am done ranting, but only because it does no good.

So, for all you Harry Potter fans, enjoy the Deathly Hallows as much as possible. Savor the book, as one way or another, it is the end of something great.


Tuesday, July 3, 2007

4th of July

It's July 3 - tomorrow is a holiday, thank goodness. Even though the weekend is just two days past, I could really use the day off. Had a bad day at work yesterday... I lost an argument I should have won. Work's been a little stressful lately anyway and losing this is not going to sit well with my client. If only I could run off to the Bahamas, but alas, I am stuck in the midwest.

At least I have tomorrow off. The 4th of July always brings to mind cookouts with hot dogs and hamburgers, friends laughing and of course, fireworks. I have no plans this year, which is strange. I'm thinking of heading to the park with a good book and pretending that I am in the Bahamas. Or maybe I will check out the pool at my building (which I generally do about once a year, so I'm due). One of my favorite rituals on the 4th is watching Independence Day - I know, cliche, but I seriously love this movie. Will Smith was incredible (and hot), not to mention Adam Baldwin (later to star in Firefly and Angel) and Jeff Goldblum. It's such a quotable movie and fun.

I know, probably not what the founding fathers had in mind when the signed the Declaration of Independence, but then again, maybe this is exactly what they had in mind. One of my ancestors actually signed the Declaration and since I have a background in political science and government, I tend to wax poetical about the 4th and what it means to me (once I've finished my hot dog and watched the fireworks, of course). I will spare anyone reading this my philosphy on freedom for today, but I make no promises for tomorrow...

I have a couple of books to review this week, which I will try to do on Thursday or Friday. Until then, Happy Independence Day!
